Anti-Ageing Injections

Anti-Ageing Injections

Anti-ageing injections are an effective way to reduce fine lines and wrinkles caused by facial expressions and allows you to maintain a natural, more youthful appearance by relaxing the muscles that cause the lines.

Its Never to early to Age Elegantaly


What Are Anti-Ageing Injections?

Botulinum Toxin anti-aging injections are a safe and effective treatment for facial aesthetic concerns, migraines, jaw pain and also excessive sweating. They work by blocking the chemical messages from the nerves which cause the muscle to contract, reducing the appearance of lines, wrinkle, jaw pain and stop messages from moving between the nerve endings and the sweat glands.

​We only use injectables from the world’s leading suppliers meaning that you can be sure you’re in safe hands.

A Botox treatment is minimally invasive. It’s considered a safe, effective treatment for fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. It can also be used on the forehead between the eyes.

The most common reason doctors use Botox is to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. Wrinkle reduction injections usually take up to 10 days to reach maximum effect and can last up to 4 months. Results can vary and is dependent on the strength of your muscles and your response to the product.

What areas can be treated?

  1. Forehead and eyes
  2. Worry lines/Frown lines
  3. Brow lift
  4. Crows feet
  5. Lip lines
  6. Gummy Smile
  7. Lower face treatment to improve jawline and appearance of the neck

Why Choose Us?

If you are considering anti-ageing treatment, you must ensure that you only do so after a proper consultation with someone who is qualified. Please call a member of our team to arrange your free of charge consultation with one of our professionals.We will ensure that you have been made aware of all the alternative treatment options and all the relevant facts, including potential risks and complications, before proceeding with the treatment.

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