Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a fixed replacement option for a missing tooth and they bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth.

Bridge The Gap In Your Smile


What are Dental Bridges?

There are many tooth replacement options out there which can be very confusing. Sometimes it might seem easier to do nothing at all and live with a gap in your mouth – especially if it’s towards the back where nobody sees it. There are two main types of bridges, A conventional or an adhesive bridge

Conventional Bridge: In a conventional bridge, the artificial teeth are attached to crowns on one or both sides of a gap. This treatment will involve some drilling of the natural teeth and once prepared, an impression or digital scan of the affected teeth is taken. This is sent to our dental laboratory to manufacture the dental bridge and is usually returned to us within two to three weeks. During this time to prevent any sensitivity, a temporary bridge will cover the area.

Once manufactured, the bridge will be tried in place and may require some small adjustments before it is permanently cemented into place. The advantages of conventional bridges are that they are very strong and not removable.

Adhesive Bridge: An adhesive bridge is an artificial tooth that is attached to a small wing of metal. This type of bridge requires very little preparation or drilling, and an injection is generally not needed. Once the area has been prepared, an impression or digital scan of the teeth is taken and sent to our dental laboratory. The bridge is usually returned within two weeks for fitting

When using an adhesive bridge to replace a front tooth, the metal wings are stuck onto the back of the adjacent teeth and cannot be seen from the front.

Dental bridges literally bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. Many people like to think of them as a row of crowns joined together and used to close a space left by the loss of a tooth. The bridge is anchored in place against the existing teeth on either side.

Advantages of a Dental Bridge

  • Great aesthetics – not only can you fill the space of missing teeth, but you can also make improvements to the color and the shape of the teeth that you are crowning on either side.
  • Maintain the shape of your face – Replacing lost teeth will help maintain your facial tone and prevent facial changes.
  • Protection – If the teeth on either side of the bridge are heavily filled or broken down, crowning these teeth as part of the bridge will help to strengthen them.
  • Long-lasting – Fixed bridgework is very predictable, durable, and lasts a considerable length of time.
  • Prevent teeth from drifting out of position

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